Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Laundry Ponderings

I am having issues with my laundry and the amount of it, particularly in winter. I know I shouldn't complain, after all I live in the South, so winter clothes here are probably scoffed at my some Northerners. But they take up too much space in the laundry room and by the time I get them all washed and put away, it is time to start again. In fact, most of the time, I have to clean my laundry room before I can wash clothes.

I think I'm on to something so big, I'm afraid to post it. I'm afraid someone will steal my idea. What the heck, I don't care. Because this is really to help my fellow laundry doers anyway. So here goes.

There is something wrong with laundry rooms across America. They are too small. I noticed in some houses I've been in lately that mudrooms are bigger and closets are enormous. I've seen some houses where the closets were as big as the bedroom. In fact, at a friends house recently I noticed that with furniture in the bedroom, the closet actually had more floor space. Meanwhile, laundry rooms barely have enough room for the washer and dryer. I think this is the solution. Bigger laundry rooms. I know you think I'm a genius. I mean REALLY big laundry rooms. Each person in the family would have their own dressing area (partitioned off just like a store) with a dresser and a hanging rod. Think of the potential. The kids come down in the morning, take off their jammies and get dressed. At night before bathtime, kids take off their clothes, get a bath, return to the dressing room and get dressed for bed. Other than a small amount of streaking from dressing room to bathroom, the plan is brilliant. Never again would I have to journey upstairs, dig clothes from under beds and behind doors. Never again would I have clothes folded for days and not put away. I could put them away right there in the same room. I can't believe nobody has come up with this, especially crazy people who have lots of kids (not that I have been accused of this). It's freakin' genius. Remember, you heard it hear first.

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