Thursday, February 24, 2011

Speech Update

A few months back I posted about Jon Tyler's speech delay. Since then he has started early intervention with Easter Seals every Tuesday. He really enjoys his time with Ms. Monique. He is picking up words and she is teaching him some signs to go along with basic words. He can sign "please" and chooses to do that instead of saying it. Last Tuesday Ms. Monique brought Mr. Potato Head. Jon Tyler enjoys Mr. Potato head and quickly put his eyes, ears and nose in. Then he turned him over and made a pooting noise with his mouth. Ms. Monique (stifling a laugh) tried to redirect him. And again he turned him around and made a pooting noise. Ms. Monique asked him what Mr. Potato Head did. I'm not sure what he expected him to say but plain as day, he said, "Pooped." Even though he doesn't say a lot, he seems to have just the right words at just the right time. LOL!

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