Both kids have projects due tomorrow and both are pretty much finished. Hannah had her first ever science fair project and has worked really hard on it. She tested the effectiveness of the Wii Fit hula hoop vs. the old fashioned hula hoop to see which raised heart rates more. (Hint: video games do have some benefits.) Corey had to create an animal habitat, and he, of course, chose a penguin. I'm going to snap some pictures to post hopefully tomorrow, along with the paragraph Corey wrote about penguins. Good stuff for a second grader.
Yesterday was an exciting day around here. We have wanted to pave our shared driveway for about 3 years or more. With all the rain this year, it is nearly washing away. Our neighbor who shares it (and owns a new truck - lol) finally decided he'd like to paved too. Yesterday it happened. Or started happening actually. They are working as I type to finish and will probably be working all day. I'm adding concrete finisher to the list of jobs I hope I never have to work, along with bra fit specialist and gastroenterologist nurse (stories for another time). They worked for over twelve hours yesterday, including in the dark and were still working when I went to bed. It was pretty fun for the kids to watch. Here's a few shots from the day.
One last shot of the "old" driveway. As my neighbor said, Thank the Lord.
Prepping the driveway was fun to watch.
The Onlookers
Pouring the first concrete
Almost done with the first part
This made realize that I need to do some more blogging about our house. It is quite a story in itself and I will get to that soon. If you don't the story of our house, stay tuned.
In other news, I nearly ran over myself yesterday. Literally. I can laugh about this now, but at the time, it was pretty scary. I was in a rush (of course) and started backing out only to realize I needed to move the wagon out of the way. So I put the car into what I thought was park and got out. I stepped a few feet and saw the van rolling forward. My first reaction was to try and stop it but I could get back in so it ended up dragging me along with it. After knocking the grill, a kerosene heater, the pushmower and my double stroller off the carport and into the yard, it stopped. Other than a few bruises and some pavement burn, all is well. I think literally an angel must have stopped my van, because I can't figure any other way it could have stopped. The two biggest casualties are the stroller which lost a wheel and my favorite thrift store (lol) pants, so I am thankful to God for protection(even if I am mad about my pants).
Well, the laundry isn't doing itself so I guess I better pull this to a close. Thanks for reading.
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