Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Concrete part 2

The concreke (as Allie says) is done. We will have to wait on the highway dept. to come and fix their part at the end, and we cannot drive on it til the weekend, but we are so excited about this. My kids couldn't wait to try it out Tuesday afternoon.


Hannah & Allie give test it out on their bikes.

Corey tries it out on the scooter thingys we scored at a yard sale last spring.

Not to be outdone, Jon Tyler tries one out, too.

Our neighbors have always been gracious about letting our kids use their bikes and scooters on their concrete slab and they have used it as their turn around spot for their bikes. I hope he realizes that now it will be impossible to keep them off. I don't think he cares. I think a poet once wrote, "Good fences make good neighbors." I guess in our case, good concreke makes good neighbors.

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

my younger kids all say concreke too, it cracks me up.

Sweet driveway! Get those kids some sidewalk chalk, quick!