Allie had her 3rd birthday party on May 3rd and I have yet to post pictures. We celebrated at the park because we had no outside stuff here and I was not about to have 10 children running rampant through my house. So, we did something we hardly ever do - we sprung for shelter rental at the park. Looking back, I could have skipped paying and just showed up at the park with my decorations and cake and no one would have none. I know this because weeks later, I have yet to receive my deposit back so I'm thinking the rec department stinks is struggling. I have called several times and I'm getting tired of being nice. But I digress.
Allie was thrilled to be having a party and dbeen talking about it for weeks. We settled on a Princess theme, mainly because when I went down the party aisle at Walmart looking for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse plates and cups, she spotted the Princess first. Good thing since there were no Mickey Mouse anythings. Immediately, however, I began to fret over the cake and fretted for several days over how to draw Princesses on a cake until I realized I can buy the little kit from Bi-Lo (because God forbid I buy the whole cake) and we can play with the princesses afterwards. Problem solved. So we descend on the park with our 10 ish children + adults for a good time as the storm clouds start to gather. But not to worry - the kids got to play on the playground and walk the trail all the while the wind is blowing to keep us nice and cool. (That is important for me these days, by the way. The oven is hot!) It started to sprinkle once so we headed up to the shelter just in time to eat cake and ice cream and open presents. Sprinkles never really amounted to anything so we got to go back and play some more. My idea of a perfect party. Easy set up, almost no clean up, no party games to plan - just turn 'em loose on the playground. (Only minor problem was that my mom nearly spazzed over having to touch the trashcan nearby, followed by her suggestion that we bring a gallon of water next time for washing hands. You can really tell she had chidren before the days of hand sanitizer. I, however, ignored this suggestion because I struggle with the idea that germs are really as bad as she and other germaphobes suggest. Can you tell I have no medical training and no desire for any? But again, I digress.)
So finally the moment you've all been waiting for - pictures!!
The Birthday Girl (Just in case you couldn't read the shirt)
Allie and her friend Julia, the only one I think who was not related at the party!
Allie & Rayden - scheming!
Hannah & AJ - partners in crime
Opening presents
Obviously, Allie wasn't going fast enough for Jacob
Allie pauses to rejuvenate (suck her fingers) while Hannah reads her cards. I love kids who can read!